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OpenX at Cannes: Discussions on Programmatic Guaranteed, Speed & the Future of Advertising

By OpenX in Brands & Agencies|June 22, 2016

Day 2 at Cannes saw delegates settling into the routine of the Festival with attendance at panels, talks and meetings. The Lady in Blue, the OpenX yacht, is becoming a recognized hub for networking, taking a break from the heat and having an occasional glass of rosé!

For the morning session, OpenX and 40 attendees convened for the first discussion of the day on “Programmatic Direct & Scaling PMP in a Guaranteed Environment.” OpenX’s Ian Davidson was joined by The Trade Desk’s Tim Sims to review the evolution of PMPs and predict what’s next. Leading off with the question about how do we bring assurances to a world of programmatic and create situations where publishers are willing to bring more premium inventory into programmatic, the discussion also addressed the benefits of traditional PMPs including control and premium access as well as their inability to scale for buyers and sellers. The conversation quickly turned to the unique advantages of a new OpenX product introduced this year, real time guaranteed (RTG). The Trade Desk is currently in the process of integrating the new technology with their platform. Addressing audience syncing, forecasting and guaranteed volume commitments, it’s clear that RTG is the next evolution to deliver control, transparency and results for buyers and sellers alike.

In the evening during a VIP dinner on board the OpenX yacht attended by Rocket Fuel, ESI, BrainFall, Adroll, A9, Simpli.fy and Forensic, Caleb Sotelo, Director of OpenX Labs, introduced a discussion on “Speed and the New Internet Economy.” Caleb spoke about the rise of speed as a top concern in ad tech and compared it to the evolution of fuel efficiency in cars – it wasn’t important until factors like fuel prices and government restrictions put pressure on automakers. In the same way, the limited resources of mobile devices, technically complex solutions like header bidding and an overwhelming number of technology options are forcing the online ad industry to think about speed. He closed with the statement that the industry can solve latency if we come to appreciate the technical nature of the problem, and begin to optimize and consolidate our platforms.

Today, Maggie Mesa, VP of Mobile Business Development, moderates a panel session on short and long term monetization strategies for mobile, “Smart Phone, Smarter Revenue,” joined by executives from Integral Ad Science, Shazam, Cheetah Mobile and Drawbridge.

About OpenX

OpenX is an independent omni-channel supply-side platform (SSP) and a global leader in supply-side curation, transparency, and sustainability. Through its 100% cloud-based tech stack, OpenX powers advertising across CTV, app, mobile web, and desktop, enabling publishers to deliver marketers with improved performance and dynamic future-proofed solutions. With a 17-year track record of programmatic innovation, OpenX is a direct and trusted partner of the world’s largest publishers, working with more than 130,000 premium publisher domains and over 100,000 advertisers. As the market leader in sustainability, OpenX was the first adtech company to be certified as CarbonNeutral™ and third-party verified for achieving its SBTi Net-Zero targets. Learn more at www.openx.com.

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